Student Attends the Art Institute College Bound Program

IMG_0191Rashaunda McIver is a junior at Scotland High School enrolled in Ms. Samantha Ray’s Digital Media class. Currently, she is dually enrolled at The Art Institute in Charlotte in the College Bound Program. This program is an 11-week college experience for high school juniors and seniors to connect with like interests who have the opportunity to take college level courses. The program helps students get a step ahead on their college career by developing critical design and media skills. She found out about the program while researching photography and scholarships on the Internet.

Rashaunda has always had an interest in photography and has an interest in caIMG_0192meras old and new using social media to share her photographs.  The interest in her photos and encouragement from her grandmother prompted her to begin a small business during her sophomore year named “Creative Memories”. Through networking, she has been able to progress in her small business. Rashaunda explained that in her current college class, she has to know how to use Photoshop and by being enrolled in the Digital Media class at SHS, it has helped her to be a step ahead in her program at The Art Institute.  She encourages more students to take Digital Media and CTE classes to help be better prepared for their future College and Career goals! She is also a member of TSA and competed at the State competition in Photographic Technology.  For more information about the program, please visit

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